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36th International Islamic Unity Conference

Published Works

The books published in the Press and Publications Management of the World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought are the results of research conducted in the Research Center of the Forum or a collection of articles from Islamic Unity Conferences and related bibliographies.

  • Compilation 

Nearly 350 titles in Persian, Arabic, English, Turkish and Russian has been published and The Publications of the World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought has been honored to receive a certificate of appreciation from the 22nd Tehran International Book Fair. Some of the works published in the Forum has been ranked top at various festivals such as “The Book of the Season” and “The Book of the Year of the Seminary”.
The Thematic Index of the Forum Publications is as follows:
Part I: History of Approximation Movement, Basics of Approximation, Culture of Dialogue

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Part II: Pioneers of ApproximationPart III: Series of Common Narrations
Part IV: Comparative Jurisprudential Rules and Decrees and Revival of the Heritage of Jurisprudence and Principles
Part V: Interpretive Books and Quranic Sciences
Part VI: Books on the Subject of Conduct of Ahl al-Bayt (AS) in the Works of Ahl Al-Sunnah
Part VII: Answering Doubts
Part IIX: Muslim Minorities, Contemporary Challenges, Islamic Awakening
Part IX: Indexes and Bibliographies
Part X: Proceedings of the International Islamic Unity Conferences, and International Assemblies and Conferences, etc.
Part XI: Other Subjects

  • Translation

The World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought has translated and published various books of the Forum Publications and other publishers. The languages of translation so far have been as follows:

  • Journals and Magazines

The journals and magazines published by the World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought are:
Risalat al-Taqrib (1-93): The bi-monthly magazine Risalat al-Taqrib has been published in Arabic. The Ministry of Science, Research and Technology has recognized this journal as having a scientific-promotional rank.
Andishe-ye Taqrib (Thought of Approximation) (1-32): The Quarterly of Thought of Approximation has been published in Persian. This magazine is published in various fields of jurisprudence, theology, philosophy, history with the aim of strengthening the unity of Muslims and also to raise intellectual issues in the field of problems and challenges of the Islamic world.
Peyk-e Taqrib (Courier of Approximation) (1-120): is the internal newsletter of the Forum, which is published as a bi-weekly and contains current news and reports of the Forum.
Risalat al-Islam (1-60): This magazine was published half a century ago by Dar al-Taqrib in Cairo. Due to its importance, the World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought decided to reprint it in cooperation with Astan-e Qods-e Razavi. So far, 15 volumes of this magazine has been published by the Forum.
Eslam dar Negah-e Gharb (Islam in the Eyes of the West) (1-22): It is a collection that is compiled and published with the aim of introducing, reviewing and criticizing the latest books published in English about Islam and Muslims focusing on currents of thought opposed to the unity of the Islamic Ummah.
Akhbar-e Taqrib (Approximation News) (1-52)
Sho‘ur-e Ettehad (Awareness of Unity) (1-12): It is a monthly magazine that publishes articles in Urdu language with topics about approximation and unity.
Thaqafat Al-Taqrib (Culture of Approximation) (1-44): It is published monthly in pocket size in Arabic.
Al-Taqrib (English Magazine) (7-1)
Salam (Russian Magazine) (1-2)
Le Débat (French Magazine) (1-2)