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• Just War and Just peace
• Islamic Brotherhood and countering Terrorism
• Religious Freethinking, Acceptance of Denominational Ijtihad and Confronting Takfir Extremism
• Islamic Empathy and Sympathy and Avoidance of Tensions and Conflicts
• Mutual Respect between Islamic Denominatins, Observance of the Etiquettes of Difference and Avoidance of Quarrels, Desecration and Insults
• Normalization of relations with the usurping Zionist regime

36th International Islamic Unity Conference

Style of Writing

Authors Guide 

It is due to inform dear researchers that papers sent to the 34th International Islamic Unity Conference shall be set according to the following writing guide: 

1 Layout:

Articles should be set in Word Office Software Version 2003 or higher, with upper margin 3, lower 7, left 4 and right 5 cm, up to 20 pages (from the beginning of the first page - title and abstract - to the end of references without considering appendices).

2 References: 

In-text citations and reference list must be in APA format.
• An example of in-text citation: Include an in-text citation when you refer to, summarize, paraphrase, or quote from another source. For every in-text citation in your paper, there must be a corresponding entry in your reference list.
APA in-text citation style uses the author’s last name and the year of publication, for example: 
(Motahhari, 2000)
For direct quotations, include the page number as well, for example:
(Motahhari, 2000, p. 14)
For sources such as websites and e-books that have no page numbers, use a paragraph number, for example: 
(Motahhari, 2000, para. 1)
In the rest of the text you can cite the author’s work in this way:
From the viewpoint of Motahhari (2000)…
• The reference list at the end of the article should be arranged in alphabetical order, first Persian sources and then foreign sources (no numbering required).

3 Figures and Diagrams:

The figures, diagrams and tables must be numbered separately from the beginning to the end.

4 General Structure of Articles:

 First Page:

- Full title of the article (as short and clear as possible)
- Name and surname of the author(s) (in front of the name of the responsible author write the phrase “responsible author”), scientific rank, specialty
- Name of the university/institute of employment and full contact details for the author(s) including: postal address, contact numbers (telephone and cellphone number), fax and e-mail.

 Second Page:


 Third page:

- Title and abstract of the article (maximum 200 words) and keywords (maximum 6 words).
Fourth Page to the End of the Article:

5 Explanation of the steps of the main body of the article:

The main body of the article is numbered in the following order:

1- Introduction: including the statement of the problem, the importance of the problem and the purposes or questions of the research. All items should be presented without title/number and in continuation.
2- Theoretical foundations and background of the research: Providing the necessary definitions, sufficient expression of the abstract of internal and external research related to such that it supports the hypotheses, problems, the selected view of the researcher or the conceptual model of the research.
3- Presenting hypotheses, problems, selected point of view or conceptual model: In this part of the article, a selection of research background (internal and external) that directly or indirectly supports each hypothesis, issue or point of view is presented and at the end, the text of the hypothesis or write a related comment. At the end of developing the hypotheses, you can present a selected perspective or conceptual model of your research.
4- Methodology: type of research, instruments and methods of data collection, method validation, research method used.
5- Analysis of research data, propositions and findings: The researcher should analyze his/her point of view and analyze the research findings based on the theoretical background, valid sources and logical analyzes in accordance with the research method used, documented and transparent.
6- Discussion and Conclusion: Presenting the main findings of the research, confronting and comparing the results of the research with the findings of related researches, practical suggestions, proposing future researches, limitations of the research (all items should be presented without titles, respectively).

In general, Latin writing should be typed in Times New Roman.


Guide for the authors of the article for the 34th International Conference on Islamic Unity

To submit an article, please pay attention to the following points

1. User registration:
Click on the "Register Author" option on the first page. For university faculty members (professors, associate professors, assistant professors), at the time of completing the specifications, the academic rank of the authors should be entered.
After completing the information and receiving the user ID and password, you can send the article.
  2. User ID and Password:
 It is necessary to send an article, user ID and password, so be diligent in maintaining the email sent by the system. The user ID is the author's email. If you have forgotten your password, click on "Submit Article / Member Login" on the right side of the page. Then select "I can't log in". Type the email and select "Change Password". 
An email is sent by the system for activation. After clicking on the activation link, a new password will be sent to your email.
If for any reason you cannot log in, contact the site administrator.
  3. How to upload an article in the system:
When submitting an article, click on the "Submit Article / Login Members" option, and after logging in, view the article as a file (Word2003 or Word2007) as the main text of the article and the authors' profile as {Attachment} (in Upload a total of 2 files.
Avoid uploading figures and tables, letters to the editor or uploading Pdf files as separate files.
Upload the file in Word format only
The original file name should be the English title of the article.
Do not type the name and profile of the author or publication in the title of the file and the text of the article.
If the upload is accurate and complete, the article will be in the "Articles under review" section (on the right side of the user page).
  Please note before uploading the file:
- Upload exactly one file of the "main text of the article" and a file containing the details of the authors.
- Note that the article file should be affixed without mentioning the name and address of the authors.
- Please upload only files with English names.
- The file of the type "Attached text" will not be displayed to the referee or referees.
  4. Initial review or expert conclusion: After submission, the article will first be sent to the journal/conference expert for initial review.
The author is responsible for arranging the article according to the format available on the site, as well as carefully reading the "Writers' Guide" page to fix possible problems.
After the approval of the journal's expert in the initial review, the article will be in the "judging" state.
If approved by the editor, it will be submitted to one of the secretaries for initial approval and submission to the arbitrator.
 Important Note: The article is sent to the journal/ conference only once with a specific tracking code, so the author is kindly requested to send the article as a new article with a tracking code after receiving the comments of the judges to send the revised article again. Do not send separately.
 5. How to follow the article:
To follow the article, click on the History option in the Operations - Articles box – section and be informed of the various stages of the case.
If, after 1 month of expert approval in the initial review, the article was in the process of being judged and no response was received, contact the quarterly expert or send your questions to the journal/conference email. Please do not send emails to the editor or members of the editorial board of the publication and follow up in person.


Editorial Policies and Instructions to Authors

Article Writing and Editing Regulations

One of the criteria for evaluating resistance is their correct scientific structure and layout. For this aim, the authors must observe the following points in sending articles:
 A)  Arrangement and Main Components of the Article
Each article should write in the form of 13 sections that some of which depend on research necessities:

1. Tittle
2. Author(s)
3. Abstract

3.1. Research problem, necessity, and purpose
3.2. Method
3.3. Results    
3.4. Conclusion and result interpretation
4. Keywords
5. Introduction

5.1. Explain the main issue and sub-issues
5.2. Explain the necessity and processing the problem (The value of the problem)
5.3. Literature and theoretical foundations of research
5.4. Expressing a direct and relevant history
5.5. Explaining the research background and communication, differences and advantages of the article compared to other similar works
5.6. Summary of essential points from different sections of the article content
6. Methods
6.1. Interviews / Archival Study / Observation
6.2. Research tools, implementation steps and how to analyze data
7. Results
8. Discussion

8.1. Explain the article problem and argumentations
8.2. Accurate arrangement and consistency of data
8.3. Analyzes, Interpretations, Comparisons, and Arguments
8.4. Sample (If needed)
8.5. Tables, charts, shapes, and additional topics (video clips, audio files, etc. if needed)
9. Conclusion
10. Acknowledgment
11. References
12. Appendix (If needed)
13. Supplementary materials

• According to the author, the mergers of sections 7 and 8 can combine as Results and Discussion.
• The presence of sections 10, 12, 13 depends on the type of article, so does not require in all papers.
B) Editing and citation criteria

To write an article must follow some editing rules, which consider in this section.
1. Related rules to the lexical range of the article:
1.1. Article no more than 20 pages (Maximum 8000 words).
1.2. Abstract not less than 150 and not more than 250 words (in Persian and English).
1.3. The keywords should be at least three, and at most seven words with commas (, ) separated, respectively Alphabet letters (in Persian and English).
2. Criteria related to font type and theme font
2.1. Observe the font type
2.1.1. Font type in English texts: Times New Roman
2.1.2. Font type in Arabic and Persian: M Mitra
2.2. Observe the font type of article components
2.2.1. Article title: Bold 16
2.2.2. Authors name: Bold 11
2.2.3. Authors information: Simple 10
2.2.4. Abstract, keywords and references title: Bold 12
2.2.5. Abstract text and keywords: Simple 10
2.2.6. Main titles: Bold 12
2.2.7. Subheadings: Bold 11
2.2.8. Article text and in-text references: Simple 12
2.2.9. Reference text; Simple 12 (book name and magazine should be Italic)
2.2.10. Footnote text: Simple 10

3. Some important editing tips
3.1.1. Repeat the reference with the "Ibid" word.
3.1.2. Internet resources, additional descriptions, as well as the Persian (English) equivalent, specific names or terms arrange in footnote each page.
3.1.3. In the text, the numbers from zero to nine should be written in letters and numbers ten and more written to the name. Except for numbers inside the tables, figures, and reference numbers provided at the end of the sentences.
3.1.4. Footnotes should only be written in the article when the author wants to explain the subject; otherwise, all references should be in the text.
3.1.5. The shape of the tables is from left to right.
3.1.6. Names and scientific words, and other terms, etc. are included in the article text within two lines (quotations). 
3.1.7. Between the word and the punctuation marks such as dot (.), comma (,), question mark (?), etc. should be no space and space should be inserted after these signs.
3.1.8. Duplicate punctuation marks (such as comma quotations, quotations, parentheses, etc.) should stick without space to the previous phrase, but with the following words, there should be a space on both sides.
3.1.9. If a question asked in the text, the text of the question place inside a comma (’ ‘).
3.1.10. Quotations in the text place within two commas (comma quotation). The phrase inside the comma quotation must be affixed to it and not spaced-punctuation marks at the end of the quote, such as. ,;?!  Place outside the comma quotation and if it has an address,  
3.1.11. Place after parentheses.
3.1.12. Punctuation marks place always after parentheses. 
3.1.13. Specific words, scientific terms, accented words, titles, etc. in the text place within two lines ("quotation").The phrase inside the quotation must be attached to the quotation and not spaced.
3.1.14. Other punctuation marks such as (. , ; ? !) and the footer numbers place in two lines: ("quotation").
3.1.15. Multi-part phrases that placed inside the text and after the subheadings must separate from the text with (capital letters, size 11, bold), and parentheses. Do not use numbers 1, 2, 3, etc. 
3.1.16. After the footnote number, put a dot (.) without space, and then footnote text starts with space. The footnote should be on the background line. The image shows how to place the note on the background line on the next page.
3.1.17. In the Persian abstract, the article text, tables, and figures, dates should be presented in solar and only in the English abstract in the Gregorian calendar.
3.1.18. In Persian abstract, use half-space to write compound words or some similar verbs.  
3.1.19. You can use (ctrl + shift + 2) or (shift + space) or (ctrl + -) to create half-space in word software, depending on the type of Windows.

4. Some page layout tips
4.1.1. Indent place at the beginning of each paragraph (0.5 cm), except for the titles and first line of subtitles, which is without indentation. Also, the second line after the references should be (1 cm) indentation. 
4.1.2. The original and sub-headings titles of the article should number in series; Except for the introduction, the conclusion, and the sources, which must be without numbers.
4.1.3. There should be a space between the main title and the text, but the subheadings do not have space with the text. There is a space between the author’s name and the author’s profile, and two lines space between the abstract and before. And between the conclusion and the reference are two lines space from the original text. Also, there should be 1 line space between the title of each source in the resources section and the other source.
4.1.4. The whole article should arrange on a paper measuring 21 × 29/7 cm (A4) and with a line spacing of 1.15 and in Word 2007 in the way of journal writing structure. 
4.1.5. The page spacing and settings should be as follows:
4.1.6. Top: 3.5 cm / Bottom: 3.5 cm / Left: 4.5 cm / Right: 4 cm / Gutter: 0 cm / Gutter position: Left / Headers: 2.2 cm / Footer: 0 cm / Width: 21 cm / Height: 29.7 cm / Multiple pages: mirror margins.

5. Reference criteria
5.1. Intra-text reference method

Number of authors

Reference Structure


One author

Author’s last name, year of publication: cover number, page number

One-volume: Enayat, 1349: 25

Multi-volume: Majlisi, 1403: 15, 72

Two author

First author’s last name and second author’s last name, year of publication: cover number, page number

Mohammadi and Jafari, 1389: 53

Three author or more

First author’s last name and et al., year of publication: cover number, page number

Ahmadi et al., 2015: 105

Multiple resources from one author in a year

After the year of publication, by adding (a) and (b) to be distinguished from each other

Rezaei, 1379, (a): 14, Rezaei, 1379, (b): 150

Reference to the holy Quran

Chapter name: verse number

Baqara: 85

5.2. Reference method in references (final reference)
1. First, the author’s last name mentioned in full with a comma (,) then the first letter of author’s name.
2. The main components of the article distinguish by a dot (.). The subsets of the main element differentiate with a comma. As the "author’s last name" and "the first letter of the author’s name.”
3. The journal and book title should write Italic. 
4. Title of articles places within the quotation ("). It should be noted that after the end of the article title, first the dot symbol (.) place and then the quotation mark (").
5. In the absence of a date (n.d.) and no place of publication (n.p.).


Type of work

(number ofauthors)

Reference structure


Book (one author)

Author’s last name, the first letter of the author’s name.  (publication Year of the book). Book title. (Translator’s name). Volume. Print number. Publication place: Publisher.

* The title of the book must write Italic; In the absence of a date (n.d.)  and no place of publication (n.p.).

Ibn Qutaybah Dinvari, A. (1424). Oyoun Al-Akhbar. Vol. 1. Third edition. Beirut: Dar Al-Kotob Al-Elmiyah.

Book (two authors)

The last name of the first author, the first letter of the first author name(;) second author’s last name, the first letter of the second author’s name). (publication Year of the book). Book title. (Translator’s name). Volume. Print number. Publication place: Publisher.

* The title of the book must write Italic; In the absence of a date (n.d.)  and no place of publication (n.p.).

Jam, R; Roozbeh, Z. (1381). Concepts of the digital library. Second edition. Tehran: Sadaf.

Book (three or more)

The last name of the first author, the first letter of the first author name and et al. (publication Year of the book). Book title. (Translator’s name). Volume. Print number. Publication place: Publisher.

* The title of the book must write Italic; In the absence of a date (n.d.)  and no place of publication (n.p.).

Saremi, K; et al. (1372). Museums of Iran. (A, Sadeghi. Translator) Tehran: Country Cultural Heritage Organization.

Journal article (one author)

Author’s last name, author’s name. (Date of publication of the journal). "Title of the article." Name of the journal. Period of the journal, journal number, first pages of the article to the end.

* The title of the journal must be Italic.

Mohammad Jafari, R. (1394).) "Strategies of Imam Ali (a.s.) in the face of tribal prejudice of the society after the Prophet." Mishkat. Vol. 32, no. 126, pp. 120-142.

Journal article (two authors)

The last name of the first author, the first letter of the first author name(;) second author’s last name, the first letter of the second author’s name). (Date of publication of the journal). "Title of the article." Name of the journal. Period of the journal, journal number, first pages of the article to the end.

* The title of the journal must be Italic.

Naseh, A; Alizadeh, N. (1391). "Condemned prejudice, factors, and consequences." Ethical Research.Vol. 4, no. 8, pp. 131-156.

Journal article (three or more)

The last name of the first author, the first letter of the first author name and et al. (Date of publication of the journal). "Title of the article." Name of the journal. Period of the journal, journal number, first pages of the article to the end.

* The title of the journal must be Italic.

Sadeghi, S. G; et al. (1396). "Reflections on the narrations of the condemnation of Abdullah bin Abbas in some earlier Shia sources." Hadith Sciences. Vol. 22, no. 83, pp. 97-116

Article (in the  Collection of articles or encyclopedias)

Author’s last name, the first letter of the author’s name. (Publish Date). "Article Title." Book Name. (Editor’s Name) (First Letter Name, Family Name). Publication place: Publisher. Volume. Print Number. First Pages of the article up to the end.

* The title of the book must be Italic.

Fakuhi, N. (1399). "Science and the world after Corona." Researches in Higher Education, Science, and Crisis of Corona. (H, Mirzaei). First Edition, Tehran: Research Institute for Cultural and Social Studies.


Manuscript Main File, Without Authors Name:

Title of Paper (Heading1)


Text of abstract (abstract)


 Keywords (abstract)

1. Sub title (Heading3)

Body of paper (Normal)

1.2. Sub-sub title (Heading4)


Inside of tables and figures (figure)

Title of tables and figures in one line (figcenter)

Title of tables and figures in more than one line (fighanging)


1. (reference)



2. Title Authors:

Title of article (Times New Roman 18)


(The Authors):  Author 1, Author2, Author3*, Author4 (Times New Roman 12)


Specification Authors: (Times New Roman 11)

1. Faculty of Quran & Hadith, University of Imam Sadeq Tehran, Iran
2. Department of Private and Islamic Law, Faculty of Law, University of Qom, Iran
3. Department of Economic, Faculty of Humanities, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran
4. Department of Comparative jurisprudence and Islamic criminal law

, Faculty of Jurisprudence and Law of Islamic Religions, University of Islamic denominations, Tehran, Iran




* Corresponding Author      Email: ……..