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38th International Islamic Unity Conference

Webinar(11); Islamic Cooperation to Achive Common Values

آیت الله سید محمد غروی

Ayatollah Seyyed Mohammad Gheravi

Member of Society of Seminary Teachers of Qom

حجت الاسلام و المسلمین دکتر عبدالکریم بی آزار شیرازی

.Hujjat-ul-Islam wal-Muslimin Dr. Abdul Karim Biazar Shirazi

Member of Supreme Council of World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought

دکتر محمد علی آذرشب

Dr. Mohammad Ali Azarshab

professor of Tehran University

آیت الله  قربانعلی دری نجف آبادی

Ayatollah Ghorban Ali Dorri Najafabadi

Representative of the Supreme Leader in Markazi Province and Imam of Friday Prayers in Arak

حجت الاسلام والمسلمین  حسن علیدادی سلیمانی

Hujjatul Islam Hassan Alidadi Soleimani

Representative of the Supreme Leader and Friday Imam of kerman

ماموستا دکتر عبدالسلام امامی

Mamusta Dr. Abdussalam Emami

Friday Imam of Mahabad

آیت الله سید محمد حسینی شاهرودی

Ayatollah Seyyed Mohammad Hosseini Shahroudi

Professor of Qom Seminary

امام جمعه اهل سنت صادقیه تهران

Sheikh Aziz Babaei

Sunni Imam of Friday Prayers in Sadeghieh Tehran

مولوی  خیر الله یعقوبی

Maulavi Khairullah Yaqoubi

prayer leader of Khatamul Anbiya Mosque in Qara Tepe Behshahr

رئیس پژوهشگاه فرهنگ و اندیشه اسلامی

Ali Akbar Rashadi

the president and Founder of Islamic Research Institute for Culture & Thought

آخوند عصام الدین گوکلان

Akhound Issamuddin Goklan

Lecturer at the Rabaniyeh School in Chenarli Golestan

دکتر مینو اصلانی

Dr. Minoo Aslani

Head of the Women and Family Think Tank in Imam Hussein University (AS)

شیخ عزت شیخ دشتمیان

Sheikh Ezzat Sheikh Dasht Mian

Director of Mohammadieh Talesh School Guilan

ماموستا  احسن اداک

Mamusta Ahsan Adak

Head of the Great Islamic Center in Dehgolan Kurdistan