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نشست خبری سی و هشتمین کنفرانس بین‌المللی وحدت اسلامی
Press briefing of 37th International Islamic Unity Conference
شهریاری در کنفرانس وحدت
Welcome speech of the Secretary-General at the opening of the conference
سخنرانی ریاست محترم جمهوری در افتتاحیه کنفرانس
Speech of the Honorable President at the opening of the conference
استقبال کشورهای اسلامی از کنفرانس
Islamic countries welcoming the conference
پیام مرجع عالیقدر حضرت آیت‌اللّه العظمی نوری همدانی«مدظله العالی» به کنفرانس
The message of Ayatollah NooriHamedani to the 38th IIUC
پیام مرجع عالیقدر حضرت آیت‌اللّه سبحانی«مدظله العالی» به کنفرانس
The message of Ayatollah Ayatollah Subhani to the 38th IIUC
سخنرانی مهمانان خارجی
Lectures by foreign guests
سخنرانی مهمانان داخلی
Lectures of domestic guests
برگزاری وبینارها
Holding webinars
دریافت 326 مقاله
Receiving 326 articles
رونمایی از 12 عنوان کتاب تقریبی
Unveiling 12 Titles of Proximity Books
نشست هم‌اندیشی میهمانان داخلی کنفرانس وحدت
Consultative Meeting of Domestic Guests
نشست هم اندیشی بانوان بین الملل کنفرانس
Consultative Meeting of International Women of the Conference
تجدید میثاق مهمانان کنفرانس با آرمان‌های امام خمینی(ره)
Renewing the covenant of the guests of the conference with the ideals of Imam Khomeini (RA)
نشست هم‌‎اندیشی میهمانان خارجی کنفرانس
Consultative Meeting of Foreign Guests of the Unity Conference
نشست هم اندیشی بانوان داخلی کنفرانس
Consultative Meeting of Domestic Women at the Conference
ملاقات مهمانان با مقام معظم رهبری
Guests meeting with the Supreme Leader
بیانیه پایانی
Final statement

Welcome to IIUC - 38th

The 38th International Islamic Unity Conference will be held from the 14th of September 2024 to 21rd of September 2024.


Following the announcement of the week of unity by the founder of Islamic Revolution Imam Khomeini (RA) and based on the strategy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in strengthening unity among Muslims, it was decided to hold the International Islamic Unity Conference, which was taken by the authorities and officials. Since 1990, Islamic Advertisement Organization was in charge of holding four of the conference, but after the establishment of the World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought by the order of the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei, this Forum became responsible about the mission of holding this important conference.


The purpose of the International Islamic Unity Conference is creating unity and solidarity among Muslims, developing consensus among scholars and scientists to approximate their scientific and cultural viewpoints and presenting practical solutions in order to reach the Islamic Unity and Unified Islamic Ummah in the Islamic World and solving the problems of Muslims and presenting solutions for them.


Conference guests are chosen from amongst the elites and educated figures, the ministers of Muslim countries, scholars and muftis, university professors and other academic and cultural communities inside and outside the country. Hundreds of thinkers, scholars and reformers from around the world and thousands of Shia and Sunni scholars from different parts of Iran have participated in the conference and presented their lectures and comments. Also Islamic thinkers from many different countries such as France, Syria, Lebanon, Australia, Egypt, Malaysia, Sudan, Pakistan, India, Azerbaijan, the UK, Jordan, Iraq, Indonesia, Gambia, Palestine, Afghanistan, Senegal, Libya, Bahrain, Algeria, Yemen, Greece, Turkey, Uganda, Kuwait, Qatar, the Netherlands, the United Arabic Emirates etc. have participated in the International Islamic Unity Conferences.

Scholars and researchers interested in participating to the conference, can register in registration part of the website.

Important Dates

September 21, 2024
Deadline for Registration
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August 22, 2024
Deadline for Submitting Abstracts
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September 21, 2024
Deadline for Submitting the Original Article
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The 38th International Islamic Unity Conference