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• Just War and Just peace
• Islamic Brotherhood and countering Terrorism
• Religious Freethinking, Acceptance of Denominational Ijtihad and Confronting Takfir Extremism
• Islamic Empathy and Sympathy and Avoidance of Tensions and Conflicts
• Mutual Respect between Islamic Denominatins, Observance of the Etiquettes of Difference and Avoidance of Quarrels, Desecration and Insults
• Normalization of relations with the usurping Zionist regime

37th International Islamic Unity Conference

احترام متقابل ميان مذاهب اسلامي، رعايت آداب اختلاف و پرهيز از مجادله، بي احترامي و توهين

Ade Jamarudin ، Eva Nur Hopipah ، Imam Sucipto ، Hendriana

The purpose of this study is that the goals of a country with a majority of adherents of Islam are mutual respect, respect, avoiding passionate debates, so that Islam that is rahmatan lil 'alamin can be felt. Then baldatun thayyibatun wa rabbun ghafur can be created. Islam teaches clearly, through the Messenger of Allah, as the first example in various matters, as the face of the Muslim community who is so peaceful, the hope is to berate, hate, and force others to be like what we want, this does not happen among Muslims Alone. Then, in practice solving the problem of religious moderation in contemporary Muslim countries is very complex, it must be seen from various perspectives. Because the author is from Indonesia, data on religious moderation in Indonesia are also dissected, where according to data the number one ranking is the largest number of adherents of Islam. Of course there are still intolerant groups who force differences to be the same. However, in general, in Indonesia itself, there are more tolerant groups than intolerant groups. Then in other Muslim countries, of course, there are fundamental differences in terms of climate or customs regarding respect for each other's beliefs. But there are also countries that are not much different from Indonesia, it is hoped that with this article it will further increase our awareness to respect and respect each other between adherents of Islam so that a feeling of affection can be created.

Mutual Respect Between Muslims, Religious Moderation, Muslim Countries in the World