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• Just War and Just peace
• Islamic Brotherhood and countering Terrorism
• Religious Freethinking, Acceptance of Denominational Ijtihad and Confronting Takfir Extremism
• Islamic Empathy and Sympathy and Avoidance of Tensions and Conflicts
• Mutual Respect between Islamic Denominatins, Observance of the Etiquettes of Difference and Avoidance of Quarrels, Desecration and Insults
• Normalization of relations with the usurping Zionist regime

37th International Islamic Unity Conference

The Speakers of the Conference

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Lectures in Chronological Order

2-	Secretary General of World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought Webinar(1); Islamic Cooperation to Achive Common Values
Head of National Assembly of Pakistan Webinar(1); Islamic Cooperation to Achive Common Values
Member of Guardian Council Webinar(1); Islamic Cooperation to Achive Common Values
Head of Islamic Darul Ulum in Jodhpur, Rajasthan Webinar(1); Islamic Cooperation to Achive Common Values
Former mufti of Dar es Salam Webinar(1); Islamic Cooperation to Achive Common Values
Friday prayer leader of Mahabad Webinar(1); Islamic Cooperation to Achive Common Values
Member of Directing Board of Amal Movement Webinar(1); Islamic Cooperation to Achive Common Values
prayer leader of Saqqez Webinar(1); Islamic Cooperation to Achive Common Values
Representative of Supreme Leader in West Azerbaijan and prayer leader of Tabriz Webinar(1); Islamic Cooperation to Achive Common Values
Mufti of Stavropol Webinar(1); Islamic Cooperation to Achive Common Values
Representative of Supreme Leader in Hajj and Pilgrimage Organization Webinar(1); Islamic Cooperation to Achive Common Values
Director of Islamic Institute of Mumbai Webinar(1); Islamic Cooperation to Achive Common Values
Director of Activ Zena Islamic Center of Serbia Webinar(1); Islamic Cooperation to Achive Common Values
professor of Qom Seminary Webinar(1); Islamic Cooperation to Achive Common Values
رئیس مجلس اوقاف جعفری نشست(۱)؛ همکاری‌های اسلامی برای دستیابی به ارزش‌های مشترک
professor of Women’s Seminary of Qom Webinar(1); Islamic Cooperation to Achive Common Values
Director of Seminaries, Iran Webinar(2); Islamic Cooperation to Achive Common Values
Executive Manager of Darul Uloom Deoband in India Webinar(2); Islamic Cooperation to Achive Common Values
Chairman of Supreme Council of World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought Webinar(2); Islamic Cooperation to Achive Common Values
Mahir Hamud Webinar(2); Islamic Cooperation to Achive Common Values