رفتن به محتوای اصلی
• جنگ و صلح عادلانه
• اخوت اسلامی و مقابله با تروریسم
• آزاداندیشی دینی، پذیرش اجتهاد مذهبی و مقابله با تکفیر و افراطی‌گری
• همدلی و همدردی اسلامی و پرهیز از تنش‌ها و منازعات
• احترام متقابل بین مذاهب اسلامی، رعایت ادب اختلاف و پرهیز از مشاجره، حرمت شکنی و توهین
• تطبیع و عادی‌سازی ارتباط با رژیم غاصب صهیونیستی

سی و ششمین کنفرانس بین‌المللی وحدت اسلامی

Nigerian expert referred to necessity of unity in Muslims in their success

Nigerian expert referred to necessity of unity in Muslims in their success

Nigerian expert on 36th Islamic Unity Conference stressed that it is necessary for all Muslims to avoid divisions, discord and conflicts, reported Taqrib News Agency (TNA).
According to Quran Verses about unity, he said “the success of Muslims in various fields cannot realized but through unity, integration and solidarity. Therefore, it is necessary for all Muslims to avoid divisions, discord and conflicts.”
“I, with deepest regret, have to admit that in the present time we are witnessing that growing number of Muslims are following their carnal desires. Some Muslims have forgotten that Islam is against any division, discord and conflict among the Muslim populations” he added.
Pointing out that some Muslims and religious and clergies who are in charge of propagation of Islam do not pay attention to this and try to impose their believes to others, he noted “If you find someone among the believers who is exceeding in the religion and insulting others know that he is moving in line with his carnal desires and satanic approaches inside him.”
Nigerian expert reiterated that followers of all Islamic schools shall avoid division and conflict among each other and said “Therefore, if we are seeking the practical way for realization unity among Muslims we have to resort to the Holy Quran and Sunnah of the Holy Prophet of Islam.”
Referring to the importance of not calling Muslims by offensive names, he concluded “We should not fall into the trap set by the west. The West is seeking to inject hatred, enmity and animosity into followers of different Islamic schools. The West intends to turn us from a united Ummah into the disintegrated one. This occurs while we Muslims possess a single religion, a single Holy book and a single holy Prophet.”
World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought holds the annual Islamic Unity Conference at the week concurrent with the birth anniversary of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and Muslim scholars, thinkers as well as religious and political figures from across the globe discuss the latest issues in the world of Islam at the different sections of the meeting.