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36th International Islamic Unity Conference

Disintegration, major project of global arrogance for Muslim world

Hujjat-ul-Islam Hamid Shahriari

Hujjat-ul-Islam Hamid Shahriari, in his speech at the opening webinar of the 36th International Islamic Unity Conference held on Sunday morning related on peace and avoidance of division in the world of Islam as chosen for the theme of the event and highlighted disintegration as major project of the arrogant power for the world of Islam, reported Taqrib News Agency (TNA).
He said,” The biggest threat to peace and Islamic unity and Islamic unification, in today's world, is due to two centuries of British colonialism and the arrogance of the U.S. and the predatory West, in the Eastern world.”
He referred to centuries of efforts for dividing world countries by arrogant powers and said,” They have tried to divide world countries into several countries; and if they do not succeed in doing so, they ignite wars, bloodshed and terror among them, promote takfir (excommunication), discord, street conflicts and other problems in order to gradually divide them into smaller ones.”

The main project of the global arrogance in the world of Islam, is the project of disintegration and country-building, and they are trying to do it today, seriously, in Iran, Iraq, Turkey and Syria; as they did in Sudan and divided that country into two parts.

Hujjat-ul-Islam Shahriari warned of soft warfare and media propaganda for promotion of terror and Takfir, conflict and insult and said,” By encouraging to insult the sanctities of each religion and school of thought, they stir them up and create religious and ethnic conflicts or provoke nationalistic prejudices.”

“What the western world, ostensibly, follows, the ideal it pursues and encourages, is the confrontation with the Islamic ideal” said the cleric.

The cleric warned,” The Western world cannot accept the unity of all Muslims and has prepared mischievous plans for it” and added,” Promotion of its own programs and thoughts, is the first program that they have in their agenda, and pursue as an ostensible idea, which is the individualistic liberal school of thought.”

Secretary General of World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought rejected the individualistic liberal ideal as nothing but a false mask and stated,” The policy that the West has been following, is not, fundamentally and logically, liberalism, but they use it as their mask and cover.”

Top cleric referred to self-interest and profiteering as main school followed by global arrogance and said,” It tries to sell its weapons by creating discord and strife, also tries to take the assets and human resources of other countries as hostages, to buy their territorial assets and mines and resources at small prices, and According to the cleric the first solution to follow against these obstacles is to get strong in different fields.

Nationalism, ethnicism, and extreme religiosity are the tools that the global arrogance has used in the last two or three centuries.
in order to do so they commit any crime, exactly what we are witnessing today in the occupier regime of Al-Quds.”

He hailed the “blessed system of the Islamic Republic” which has prevailed security with the programs of the Supreme Leader, Imam Khamenei, with the support of the IRGC, the army and the police forces.
He said,” We defeated Daesh/ISIS in Syria and prevent this hideous phenomenon to take on an Islamic appearance that intended to distort the image of Islam in the name of Islam; and they tried to introduce Islam as the religion of violence” adding,” We must provide the security of our cities, streets and borders.”
Top cleric also highlighted importance of cultural and economic fields as other means to spread Islamic culture around the world stressing use of modern tools, virtual space, satellite networks and cinema and artistic productions.
The second solution, according to Hujjat-ul-Islam Shahriari, is to resist global arrogance and said,” We see this submission in some of the Arab countries when they serve the interests of the American arrogance like a milking cow.”

Islam has described, in the Revelations and in the prophetic tradition, and in the hadiths of Ahl al-Bayt, values such as justice, values such as chastity, values such as courage, values such as generosity and helping the poor.

Top scholar other issues challenging the world of Islam as: existence of some puppet statesmen and scholars, historical differences in the textual, theological, and ideological fields, the ignorance and betrayal of the followers of some extremist groups in some Islamic countries as well as blind ethnic, sectarian and nationalistic prejudices, groups and hostile parties within Islamic countries, the existence of harmful competition among some Islamic countries, and employment of the enemies of Islam are among the other obstacles that exist on the way to unity.

 Secretary General of World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought expressed hope that Muslims can define a suitable solution for each of the obstacles challenging Muslim world and take steps towards Islamic unity and also establishment of the one united Ummah.
Hujjat-ul-Islam Hamid Shahriari made the comments in his opening speech at the first webinar of the 36th International Islamic Unity Conference on Sunday morning.
36th International Islamic Unity Conference is held by Iran’s World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought on “Islamic Unity, Peace and Avoidance of Division and Conflict in the Islamic World” on October 10-15, 2022 as prominent Shia and Sunni scholars discuss the issues of Muslim world in online and in presence meetings held in the capital Tehran.