تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
• الحرب والسلام العادل
• الاخوة الإسلامیة ومکافحة الارهاب
• الحریة الفکریة الدینیة، وقبول الاجتهاد المذهبي ومواجهة تیار التکفیر والتطرف
• المواساة الإسلامیة والحذر من التخاصم والنزاع
• الاحترام المتبادل بین المذاهب الإسلامیة، ورعایة أدب الاختلاف والنآي عن النزاع وانتهاك الحرمات والإهانة
• تطبيع العلاقات مع الكيان الصهيوني الغاصب

المؤتمر الدولي السادس والثلاثون للوحدة الإسلامية

Fighting terrorism; practical solution to strengthen unity, Karzai stressed

Fighting terrorism; practical solution to strengthen unity, Karzai stressed

Former president of Afghanistan stated that following the religious orders regarding unity is necessary and such conferences is good conditions that scholars of the world of Islam think more about solutions, Taqrib News Agenct (TNA).
Referring to national governments that each of them has relation with other countries, Karzai said “The characteristics of the national government is that it strives to strengthen and empower itself by focusing on stability and national sovereignty, and its important issue in international relations is national security and the survival of the government.”
“Today, the world of Islam is struggling with two devastating phenomena of extremism and terrorism, which are considered to be a serious threat to the provision of religious interests and collective interests of Muslims. These two sinister phenomena are connected and related to each other” he added.
He pointed out that extremism is source of terrorism and terrorism is a factor of promoting extremism and noted “Establishment and alignment of some Islamic countries in its cultivation and expansion has led to the emergence of its local types in the world of Islam and has intensified Islamophobia in the world.”
“Undoubtedly, the spread of extremism takes place with the aim of securing political interests, which causes heavy casualties and damages” former president of Afghanistan added.
Related to why and how extremists in Islamic countries propagate and promote extremism with freedom of action, he continued “In order to find the answer to this question and a practical solution to strengthen brotherhood and unity in the Islamic society, we must pay serious and deep attention to two basic points: First, trying to solve the conflict of interests in international relations, and, second, fighting extremism and terrorism.”
Hamid Karzai mentioned forty-year war of Afghanistan that terrorism were guided from a place that were thought to be friends and colleagues in this country.
“I suggest that with the aim of consolidating brotherhood, preventing the influence of external issues on the relations between Islamic countries and opening the door for constructive interaction with other nations, we should think about drafting a global charter of moderation as an international unit for all members” former president of Afghanistan concluded.
World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought has scheduled the 36th edition of the Islamic Unity Conference for October 9-11 ending with the birth anniversary of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) also known as the Islamic Unity Week.