تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
• الحرب والسلام العادل
• الاخوة الإسلامیة ومکافحة الارهاب
• الحریة الفکریة الدینیة، وقبول الاجتهاد المذهبي ومواجهة تیار التکفیر والتطرف
• المواساة الإسلامیة والحذر من التخاصم والنزاع
• الاحترام المتبادل بین المذاهب الإسلامیة، ورعایة أدب الاختلاف والنآي عن النزاع وانتهاك الحرمات والإهانة
• تطبيع العلاقات مع الكيان الصهيوني الغاصب

المؤتمر الدولي السادس والثلاثون للوحدة الإسلامية

Huj. Shahriari: “Unity of Muslims is the main message of Revolution”

Huj. Shahriari: “Unity of Muslims is the main message of Revolution”

According to Tagrib News Agency (TNA)reporter, Dr. Hamid Shahriari, while
congratulating the auspicious the occasion of the birthday anniversary of the holy Prophet of Islam (pbuh) and Imam Jaafar Sadeq (AS), said: the Last Messenger of God is the greatest blessing on the earth and his birth is the greatest news, heard so far and up to the eternity.
He went on saying that the blessed holy Prophet of Islam is the most effective path to happiness and salvation all people of the world.
Dr. Shahriari said that the webinars of the 36 th Islamic Unity Conference began today, October 9, adding that in this conference, our focus is on finding practical mechanisms for the outstanding subjects to be brought up during the conference, namely, "Islamic unity, peace and avoiding division and conflict within the Islamic world.
He then talked about the numerous topics to be discussed during the unity
conference days including, just war and peace, Islamic brotherhood, countering terrorism, accepting religious consensus (ijtihad), empathy and sympathy, mutual action among various Islamic schools of thought, condemning normalization of relations with the Zionist regime.

He said the unity and solidarity of Muslims was the main message of the Islamic
Revolution during its first 40 years adding that unity of Muslims was the
innovative vision of the late Imam Khomeini (RA), and the same path has been
taken up, by the Supreme Leader.
Hojjatoleslam Shahriari, while underlining the special importance of unity, said
unity is the message of the Islamic Revolution, and from the very beginning, this
slogan caused concern, anger, and machination by the global arrogance, because
unity has endangered the interests of the world arrogance.
He added, by studying the history of the past centuries, we will realize that the
main objective of the enemy was to undermine the unity of Muslims. The United States of America and its cronies have always tried to divide Islamic countries.
They turned India into India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. The Ottoman Empire was designated into small countries including Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Saudi Arabia and the present Turkey, and such scheme, has been going on since then.
Dr.Shahriari continued his comments by saying that the history of our country
shows that international colonialism separated important parts of our country
following the Second World War and before that, the North Caucasus, parts of the Mesopotamia region, parts of Afghanistan, Pakistan, and some of the southern parts of our country were detached from the main body.
He added that the West has formulated a dichotomy which says, either the West should become Islamic or Islam should become Western. They have left out the idea of peace in their thinking and want to liberalize Islam in order to serve their own interests. In Iraq, by supporting the independence of the Iraqi Kurdistan region, they intend to divide this country into separate Shiites, Sunnis and Kurdish states.
The Secretary General of the World Forum for Proximity of the Islamic Schools of said for this session of the Unity Conference, we invited one hundred personalities from the Islamic world, and this year’s conference has two substantial differences compared to previous ones: First, the invited personalities from high level of the Grand Mufti, ministers or their deputies, or heads of organizations.
He added that we have also decided to hold regional conferences, the first of which will be held in Lebanon and later in Pakistan, Iraq and Syria. This will allow us to have more local scholars in our gatherings. The conference that was held in the Kurdistan region attended by 70 personalities, was a successful example of such planning.
Dr. Shahriari added: The 36 th Unity Conference will be held in person from
Wednesday to Friday, and Ayatollah Raisi will make the opening speech and then conference will resume its works by delivering of speech by foreign guests.
He concluded his remarks by saying, visiting the shrine of the late Imam Khomeini is one of the programs of the ongoing conference. On Friday, we will visit the Supreme Leader and the final statement of the conference will be released on Friday evening.