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• Just War and Just Peace
• Islamic Brotherhood and Countering Terrorism
• Religious Freethinking, Acceptance of Denominational Ijtihad and Confronting Takfir and Extremism
• Islamic Empathy and Sympathy and Avoidance of Tensions and Conflicts
• Mutual Respect between Islamic Denominations, Observance of the Etiquettes of Difference and Avoidance of Quarrels, Desecration and Insults
• Explaining the Unified Islamic Nation and Islamic Countries Union and Reviewing and Analyzing the Proposed Model
• The Honoring Ceremony of Ayatollah Taskhiri
• Palestine and Islamic Resistance

35th International Islamic Unity Conference


Unveiling Ceremony by IRI’s President Ayatollah Raisi

موسوعة العلامة الشيخ التسخيری

The Book: Encyclopedia of Allamah Sheikh Al-Taskhiri  

Ayatollah Taskhiri is one of the great figures of the Islamic world who, with a deep knowledge of religious teachings, made a great effort to strengthen the foundations of the Islamic Ummah.
He had a comprehensive and in-depth insight at the cultural and social issues of the Islamic world and had a unique inclusiveness in various subjects of Islamic sciences. His presence in various religious conferences and scientific lectures in fields such as jurisprudence, hadith and interpretation, law, Islamic economics, as well as participation in interfaith and interdenominational dialogues and discussions with thinkers specializing in various issues, had added to the comprehensiveness of this pious scholar.
Although, the absence of this great scholar, is an example of this noble hadith of the Prophet, who said: «إِذَا مَاتَ الْعَالِمُ الفَقِيهُ ثُلِمَ فِي الْإِسْلَامِ ثُلْمَةٌ لَا يَسُدُّهَا شَيءٌ», but we have his lasting legacy, which consists of the ideas of this great man, and by examining and analyzing these works, we can understand his Islamic concerns and scientific views.
There are several works by Ayatollah Taskhiri that their compilation was associated with difficulties. The Research Institute for Proximity Studies affiliated with the World Forum for the Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought went through the following steps to prepare the collection of his works:
1- Identifying and collecting works
Due to the extent and dispersion of Ayatollah Taskhiri’s works and the lack of a secretariat to collect his works, there was no accurate information about his works, so the first step was to identify Ayatollah Taskhiri’s works. After identifying the works of Ayatollah Taskhiri, in order to prepare the works, the organizations and scientific institutes that somehow collaborated with Ayatollah Taskhiri, as well as his relatives, were contacted and the works were prepared.
2- Refining works
Although the obtained works were attributed to Ayatollah Taskhiri, we tried to present Ayatollah Taskhiri’s thought in various subjects and in the form of his scientific works, so from the attributed works, only scientific works written by him were selected. And the following works were not included in the encyclopedia:
-    Works of great scholars such as the martyr Ayatollah Motahhari and Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi, which were translated into Arabic by Ayatollah Taskhiri
-    Scientific works for which Ayatollah Taskhiri had written an introduction
-    Scientific works written under the auspices of Ayatollah Taskhiri
-    Articles and essays that were sometimes published in newspapers or public magazines, some of which were written by Ayatollah Taskhiri and others were just selections of others book by one of the scholars of the Islamic world
-    Duplicate works published in various journals (sometimes an article has been published in different journals with a general or minor change in the title)
In the process of preparation, we came across a collection of duplicate writings among his works that were removed from this encyclopedia.
Compilation of some of his articles in a book: One of the problems with the works collected by Ayatollah Taskhiri was that some of his books were in fact a compilation of his published articles, so considering that the time of writing the book was after the articles and naturally, for the second time, Ayatollah Taskhiri was studied and corrected them to include them in the book, the independent articles were deleted.
Writing his papers in conferences and meetings: A significant part of what he had presented in conferences and scientific conferences and had been published before or after the conference was published as part of a book or article by him.
3- Classification of works in terms of structure and content
In the next step, based on the writings of Ayatollah Taskhiri, his intellectual structure was extracted and his works were classified according to it. All of his articles and books have been organized under eight general subjects: Quranic Sciences, Interpretation, Islamic Thought, Islamic Civilization, Politics, Economics, Unity and Proximity, Jurisprudence and Principles.
4- Editing and page layout
Due to the publication of Ayatollah Taskhiri’s works in a long period of time by publishers with different tastes and in different formats (articles and books), his works did not have a single standard, and in addition to the fact that all works had to be prepared with the same standard, many mistakes and errors had been existed in the published works. There was a need to correct these errors in the printed works, so all of the works have been edited, revised and corrected, and at the end, a uniform editing was done, and after finishing the editing, the collection of Ayatollah Taskhiri’s works have been published in 12 volumes (approximately 12,000 pages each page 300 words) according to the standard page layout.
•    The first volume: Introduction and Qur’anic sciences;
•    The second volume: Interpretation;
•    The third volume: Ideology and Civilization;
•    The fourth volume: Civilization;
•    The fifth volume: Politics;
•    The sixth volume: Economics;
•    The seventh volume: Unity and Proximity;
•    The eighth volume: Jurisprudence;
•    The ninth volume: Jurisprudence;
•    The tenth volume: Jurisprudence;
•    The eleventh volume: Jurisprudence;
•    The twelfth volume: The principles of jurisprudence;

Unveiling Ceremony by Speaker of the Islamic Consultative Assembly Dr. Ghalibaf 

زبان گویای اسلام و تشیع

The Book: The Eloquent Language of Islam and Shiism 

Due to the scientific comprehensiveness of Ayatollah Taskhiri and his innovations and prominence in various sciences such as Islamic economics, Quranic sciences, exegesis, jurisprudence, principles of jurisprudence and topics related to Islamic civilization, and lack of explanation of his scientific position to the seminary and university community, the compilation of the book “The eloquent language of Islam and Shiism” was placed on the agenda with an emphasis on the analytical introduction of works and the explanation of his innovations in various sciences. This book was written and published in Persian in the following 9 chapters (330 pages each page 300 words):
•    A brief look at the life of Ayatollah Taskhiri;
•    Review of Quranic works of Ayatollah Taskhiri;
•    Examining the works of Ayatollah Taskhiri on hadith;
•    The methodology of Ayatollah Taskhiri in comparative jurisprudence;
•    Proximity and unity in the thought of Ayatollah Taskhiri;
•    The civilizational approach in the rationality of Ayatollah Taskhiri;
•    Modernization of Islamic thought from the viewpoint of Ayatollah Taskhiri;
•    The economic school of Islam from the perspective of Ayatollah Taskhiri;
•    Globalization from the perspective of Ayatollah Taskhiri;


رائد الفکر الإسلامی و فاترس التقریب

The Book: Pioneer of Islamic Thought and Forerunner of Proximity 

Ayatollah Taskhiri was one of the flag bearers of Islamic thought in the contemporary world and one of the pioneers of proximity of Islamic schools of thought. He did much effort to create sympathy among the great scholars of the Islamic world. As a tribute to the character of this great scholar in accordance with the needs and challenges of the Islamic world, the book “Sheikh Mohammad Ali Al-Taskhiri: Pioneer of Islamic Thought and Forerunner of Proximity” was compiled by the honorable researcher Mr. Mohammad Saedi in the following seven chapters:
•    Chapter One: Sheikh Al-Taskhiri, His Biography and Career;
•    Chapter Two: Sheikh Al-Taskhiri, Usuli Jurisprudent and Exegetist
•    Chapter Three: Sheikh Al-Taskhiri, An Islamic Preacher
•    Chapter Four: The West, Islam and the Dialogue of Civilizations according to Sheikh Al-Taskhiri;
•    Chapter Five: The Islamic Ummah and Reform from the Point of View of Sheikh Al-Taskhiri;
•    Chapter Six: Features of the Project of Unity and Proximity from the Perspective of Sheikh Al-Taskhiri; 
•    Chapter Seven: Contemporary Visions of Sheikh Al-Taskhiri;


سرو نستوه

The Book: Sarv-e Nastooh (Tireless Cedar): Scientific and Practical Biography of Ayatollah Taskhiri 

Ayatollah Taskhiri was one of the pioneers of proximity and unity in the Islamic world and was a unique figure in the international Islamic arena. His scientific and practical biography is a model for all people who work in these fields. Knowing his scientific and practical biography can be an effective step in educating the young generation. In line with this, a series of conversations have been conducted with Ayatollah Taskhiri and a group of people with whom he had a relationship, cooperation, friendship and kinship. His scientific, moral and communication aspects were examined and became prepared to be published entitled “Sarv-e Nastooh” (Tireless Cedar).
This book consists of 11 two-hour conversations with Ayatollah Taskhiri, which unfortunately remained unfinished due to his demise.
It also consists of conversations with 38 personalities who knew about the scientific, cultural, political and social aspects of Ayatollah Taskhiri and had a history of cooperation and friendship with him, including Ayatollah Akhtari, Ayatollah Araki, Ayatollah Seyyed Ahmad Khatami, Ayatollah Soleimani, Ayatollah Hoseini Shahroudi, Akhund Rahbar, Seyed Fazel Hosseini, Dr. Osman Salari, Mowlawi Eshaq Madani, Mowlawi Ahmad Nazir Salami, Mowlawi Damani, Ayatollah Ghazi Asgar, Ayatollah Moballeghi, Ayatollah Seyed Mohammad Gharavi, Hujjat-ul-Islam wal Muslimin Sheikh Mehdi Taskhiri, Ayatollah Saeed Nu‘mani, Hujjat-ul-Islam wal Muslimin Seyed Abolhassan Nawab, Mirdamadi, Abdollahi, Ayatollah Mojtahed Shabestari, Ayatollah Mahdavi Kani, Dr. Azarshab, Ayatollah Ka‘bi, Dr. Chamran, Laghai, Dr. Haddad Adel, Dr. Khorramshad, Mavalizadeh, Mir Emadi.

Computer Software of Ayatollah Taskhiri’s Collection of Works

In the published encyclopedia of Ayatollah Taskhiri, only his written works in Arabic were collected and researched, but more than 40 volumes of books have been published under the name of Ayatollah Taskhiri and a collection of these works had to be compiled and presented. In a cooperation with the Center for Computer Research of Islamic Sciences, all the books of Ayatollah Taskhiri were digitized and provided to the researchers in the form of a desktop software with the following research facilities.
•    The text of 33 book titles in 41 volumes of the works of Ayatollah Mohammad Ali Taskhiri (may God have mercy on him) in Arabic and Persian, on topics such as: Islam and Politics, Islam and the West, Islam and Religions, Islamic Unity, Beliefs, Islamic Civilization, Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought, Quran and Quranic Sciences
•    Presenting books such as: The Study of Contemporary Jurisprudence (3 volumes), Islamic Economics, Islamic Minorities and Their Relationships with Their Communities, Shiite Religious Authority from the Beginning to the Present, Islamic Unity Based on the Scientific Authority of the Ahl al-Bayt (AS), About the Qur’an, A Selection of Thoughts of Some Proximity Figures, Islamic Awakening
Using the advanced search engine of “Noor”, with features like: advanced prioritization of answers; filtering search results by: book, topics, creator and language; flexibility in prefixes and suffixes of words; limiting search to: verses, narrations and poems in texts
•    Ability to create a research desk to perform and record user research
•    The text of the Holy Quran with the ability to search in verses, along with translation
•    Relation of text words with several dictionary volumes with the ability to search and categorize based on the root
•    Bibliography and brief report on the content of sources and biographies of the authors of the books
•    Access to researcher tools to take notes of program books and organize them
•     Ability to update the program via the Internet and send comments by the user

Cover Taskheri App