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38th International Islamic Unity Conference

Subjects of The 38th International Islamic Unity Conference


" Islamic cooperation to achieve common values with an emphasis on Palestine "


Al-Aqsa storm: The origins, consequences, and impact of it in the region and global political geography

The role of the resistance front in supporting the oppressed people of Gaza

The new global order, regional transformations, and the role of emerging powers

The role of the Islamic Republic of Iran system centered around Wilayat al-Faqih in supporting the resistance front emphasizing “the True Promise”

The role of regional governments in creating opportunities and threats in encountering the Palestinian and Gaza issues Promoting the culture of resistance through human awakening in the world post the Al-Aqsa storm Strategies to combat global Zionism and establish the Palestinian state

Defining just peace and just war and examining the foundations and indicators of each

Comparing and contrasting Islamic jihad with war from the perspectives of Islamic schools of thought

Strategies and solutions for just peace and preventing wars among Islamic countries based on the Qur’an and Sunnah emphasizing the principles like rationality, higher purposes of Sharia, and public interest

Contemporary international experiences related to mechanisms of sustainable peace and a war-free world

Analyzing the role of global colonization and hegemony in contemporary wars in Islamic countries and methods to counter them

Political, social, cultural, and economic factors of current wars in Islamic lands, their consequences, and ways to end them

Ethical and jurisprudential considerations regarding the use of weapons of mass destruction and nuclear arms in wars

Rights and responsibilities of non-combatants and combatants in wars from the perspectives of Islamic jurisprudence, law, and ethics

Occupation of Islamic lands and the responsibility of Muslims and Islamic governments in liberating them

Promoting the Islamic brotherhood model and ethical virtues for Muslims' coexistence

Factors, motivations, and consequences of assassinating elites, scholars, and active religious, scientific, and cultural figures in the Islamic world and strategies to combat them

Approaches of the world imperialism and hegemony to undermine Islamic brotherhood and promote terrorism and ways to counter them

State terrorism and international treaties to combat it

Suicidal operations, interpretations, and different actions in modern currents and trends in Islamic World

The sanctity of human life in the view of Islamic doctrines and the distinction between assassination and permissible killing in Islamic jurisprudence

Strategies to counter financial, military, media, and informational support for terrorism worldwide

The constructive role of Islamic governmental and non-governmental organizations in preventing assassinations

The theoretical criteria of disbelief, faith, and Islam in Islamic doctrines and their critique The foundations and reasons for takfiri ideologies in the Islamic world and their critique

The origins and consequences of extremist takfiri groups in the contemporary world and their evolution in the Islamic world, trend analysis, and future studies on ways to counter them

The role of global imperialism and hegemony in promoting divisive ideologies and extremism in the Islamic world and how to confront them

The impact of cooperation among Islamic countries such as Iran and Saudi Arabia in reducing regional tensions and conflicts

The backgrounds and factors of national and sectarian conflicts in the Islamic world and ways to address them

The backgrounds and factors of religious and sectarian conflicts in Islamic countries and ways to address them

Rival Islams, challenges, and risks of tensions and conflicts between them, and ways to prevent and overcome them

Trend analysis and futurology of tensions and conflicts in Islamic countries and ways to prevent them

Examining the potential triggers of internal conflicts in Islamic countries and ways to deal with them

Designing and promoting models of solidarity and compassion among Muslims in times of disasters, harms, and crises

Backgrounds, factors, and ways to address assaults and pressures on Muslim minorities in different countries worldwide

Etiquette of disagreement in the tradition of the Holy Prophet and his family, companions, and Islamic scholars

Ethical teachings and Islamic jurisprudence rules regarding disputes and conflicts and their relation to the activities of media in the Islamic world

Using media capacity and virtual space to promote coexistence based on Islamic etiquette, religious freedom, culture of tolerance, and prevention of insults and desecration

Mechanisms of cooperation among Islamic countries to prevent and counter insulting programs in the media and divisive and sacrilegious networks 

Foundations and teachings of respecting Muslims and non-Muslims and prohibiting insults, and disrespect for religious sanctities and religious leaders in Islamic jurisprudence and ethics, and outlining practical mechanisms in the world

The role of global arrogance and international Zionism in providing material and spiritual support to media and networks promoting divisive ideologies and sacrilege