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The Speakers of the Conference

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Lectures in Chronological Order

استاد لیلی مزمل

Ms. Lily Mozmel

lawyer Pakistan

Webinar(9); Islamic Cooperation to Achive Common Values
دکتر فرانچسکو  پمپئو

Dr. Francesco Pompeo

Francesco Pompeo

Webinar(10); Islamic Cooperation to Achive Common Values
مولوی سید محمد امداد الدین

Maulavi Syed Mohammad Emdaduddin

Professor Bangladesh

Webinar(10); Islamic Cooperation to Achive Common Values
دکتر عبدالملیک شیکانگو

Dr. Abdul Malik Shikongo

Head of the Islamic Center Namibia

Webinar(10); Islamic Cooperation to Achive Common Values
مولوی  لطف الله حق پرست

Maulavi Lotfollah Haqparast

Maulavi Lotfollah Haqparast

Webinar(10); Islamic Cooperation to Achive Common Values
حجت الاسلام و المسلمین سید محمد کوثر علی جعفری

Hujjat-ul-Islam Sayed Mohammad kousar Ali jafri

Chairman of Anjuman e Pairwane wilayat jammu India

Webinar(10); Islamic Cooperation to Achive Common Values
دکتر راغده مصری

Dr. Raghida Al-Masri

University Professor and Researcher Lebanon

Webinar(10); Islamic Cooperation to Achive Common Values
سید سراج حیدر زیدی

Syed Siraj Haider Zeidi


Webinar(10); Islamic Cooperation to Achive Common Values
دکتر  صابر ابو مریم

Dr. Sabir Abu Maryam

Secretary General Palestine Foundation Pakistan

Webinar(10); Islamic Cooperation to Achive Common Values
استاد ذهبیه فاهم

Ms. Dhahabiyyah al-Fahm

social researcher Tunisia

Webinar(10); Islamic Cooperation to Achive Common Values
دکتر منصور لیمبا

Dr. Mansoor Limba

Associate Professor at Ateneo de Davao University Philippines

Webinar(10); Islamic Cooperation to Achive Common Values
حجت الاسلام و المسلمین روح الله بدخشانی

Hujjat-ul-Islam Rouhollah Badakhshani

Professor Afghanistan

Webinar(10); Islamic Cooperation to Achive Common Values
استاد فاطمه ثریا

Ms. Fateme Soraya

Researcher Indonesia

Webinar(10); Islamic Cooperation to Achive Common Values
حجت الاسلام و المسلمین اسماعیل دانش

Hujjat-ul-Islam Ismail Danesh

Professor Afghanistan

Webinar(10); Islamic Cooperation to Achive Common Values
استاد هدی موسوی

Ms. Hoda Al-Moussawi

Religious Researcher Lebanon

Webinar(10); Islamic Cooperation to Achive Common Values
دکتر اقلیم فاطمه

Dr. Ighlim Fatima

Professor Pakistan

Webinar(10); Islamic Cooperation to Achive Common Values
دکتر عزام المجيدی

Dr. A.K.M. Azam Majeedi

Director of International Human Rights Global Mission Sri Lanka

Webinar(10); Islamic Cooperation to Achive Common Values
آیت الله سید محمد غروی

Ayatollah Seyyed Mohammad Gheravi

Member of Society of Seminary Teachers of Qom

Webinar(11); Islamic Cooperation to Achive Common Values
حجت الاسلام و المسلمین دکتر عبدالکریم بی آزار شیرازی

.Hujjat-ul-Islam wal-Muslimin Dr. Abdul Karim Biazar Shirazi

Member of Supreme Council of World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought

Webinar(11); Islamic Cooperation to Achive Common Values
دکتر محمد علی آذرشب

Dr. Mohammad Ali Azarshab

professor of Tehran University

Webinar(11); Islamic Cooperation to Achive Common Values