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The Speakers of the Conference

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Lectures in Chronological Order

دکتر یاشار شریف داماداوغلو

Dr. Yashar Sharif Damaduglu

Professor Greece

Webinar(3); Islamic Cooperation to Achive Common Values
دکتر حلیمه حسیني

Dr. Halima Hosseini

Head of Ashiane Javan Cultural Foundation Afghanistan

Webinar(3); Islamic Cooperation to Achive Common Values
دکتر تروند علی لینستاد

Dr. Trond Ali Linstad

Head of Oslo Islamic Jamaat Norway

Webinar(3); Islamic Cooperation to Achive Common Values
پروفسور وارث مظهری

Prof. Waris Mazhar

Professor India

Webinar(3); Islamic Cooperation to Achive Common Values
استاد ایمان محمد حرب

Ms. Iman Mohammad Harb

Researcher and Religious Preacher Lebanon

Webinar(3); Islamic Cooperation to Achive Common Values
پروفسور سید منهاج الحسین

Prof. Syed Minhaj ul Hassan

Former Dean at Peshawar University Pakistan

Webinar(3); Islamic Cooperation to Achive Common Values
دکتر عائده طالب

Dr. Aadeh Taleb

Researcher and religious professor Syrian Arab Republic

Webinar(3); Islamic Cooperation to Achive Common Values
دکتر قبله ایاز

Dr. Qibla Ayaz

previous chairman of the Council of Islamic Ideology Pakistan

Webinar(4); Islamic Cooperation to Achive Common Values
شيخ عمار کاظم عبدالحسین محمد

sheikh Ammar Kazem Abdul Hossein Mohammad

Head of Al-Balagh Cultural Institute Kuwait

Webinar(4); Islamic Cooperation to Achive Common Values
دكتر عمر عبد القادر غندور

Dr. Omar Abdul Qadir Ghandour

Chairman of the Unity Islamic Meeting Lebanon

Webinar(4); Islamic Cooperation to Achive Common Values
شیخ اسماعیل دعا

Sheikh Ismael A Duwa

President - Supreme Council of Islamic Affairs Zimbabwe

Webinar(4); Islamic Cooperation to Achive Common Values
حجت الاسلام و المسلمین سید عیسی حسینی مزاری

Hujjat-ul-Islam Syed Isa Hosseini Mazari

Head of Tebian Institution Afghanistan

Webinar(4); Islamic Cooperation to Achive Common Values
الشیخ یعقوب نینگی

Sheikh Yaqub Ningi

professor Nigeria

Webinar(4); Islamic Cooperation to Achive Common Values
دکتر سید ضياء الله شاه بخاری

Dr. Syed Zia ul Ullah Shah Bukhari

President Muttahida Jamiat Ahle Hadithn Pakistan

Webinar(4); Islamic Cooperation to Achive Common Values
مولوی فهیم الرحمن

Maulavi Fahimur Rahman

Professor Bangladesh

Webinar(4); Islamic Cooperation to Achive Common Values
دکتر حيات بن عمر بوكراع

Dr. Hayat bin Omar Bokra'a

University Professor Tunisia

Webinar(4); Islamic Cooperation to Achive Common Values
مولانا محی الدین غازی

Maulavi Mohiuddin Ghazi

Professor India

Webinar(4); Islamic Cooperation to Achive Common Values
استاد ماریه قبطی مرپائونگ

Ms. Marie qopti Merpaong

Religious Researcher Malaysia

Webinar(4); Islamic Cooperation to Achive Common Values
شیخ وحید الله سباوون

Sheikh Vahidullah Sabawon

Head of United Islamic Party Afghanistan

Webinar(4); Islamic Cooperation to Achive Common Values
مولوی پیر محمد مجتبی فاروق گل بادشاه

Maulavi Pir Mohammad Mojtaba Farough Gol Badshah

Imam of the Convent of Mohera Sharif Pakistan

Webinar(4); Islamic Cooperation to Achive Common Values