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37th International Islamic Unity Conference

“Muslim ummah live together in harmony”, Ugandan journalist

“Muslim ummah live together in harmony”, Ugandan journalist

“Hamzeh Chivneh”, Ugandan journalist, in his speech at the webinar of 37th International Islamic Unity Conference, noted that today we are faced some challenges in unity of the Islamic World, reported Taghrib News Agency (TNA).

“Over the two billion Muslims around the world, have been together by believe in one God, they are also United in the Universal message of prophet Muhammad (PBUH)”, he said.

“Previously the Muslim ummah used to live together in harmony despite of their differences, but today the sectarianism has deeply divided the Umma, so much so that they have even started battling each other”, Chivneh added.

He pointed out that in the 1960s, the Islamic Republic of Iran was the most important ally of the US and said: “this was during the troubled times of the Cold War. Nobody could imagine that at a certain point the ties between Iran and US would become one of the most complicated cases of modern history, the same that we are witnessing now. “

“Unfortunately, some Muslims have been used as tools by the West in Muslim countries in this disagreement with Iran and ironically these people who are perceived as allies of the West”, Ugandan journalist continued.

“Muslims have got more things that keeps together than those things that divide them. They have got common religious beliefs. I think these are important foundation for unity that the Muslims can dealt upon to have unity”, Chivneh noted.

He mentioned that sometimes ago the Muslim world unanimously came together, the Sunni the Shia and all the other branches they came together to condemn insulting of the holy Quran and said: “they came together and say this is an act that violates the rights of Muslims and they officially demanded for accountability.”

“Unless the Muslim community, the Muslim ummah, the Islamic world agree to unity and diversity, these are the issues of the trialism will continue to play and these will continue to resolve into enmity in the volatile middle east region and by extension the entire Muslims world”, Hamzeh Chivneh concluded.

World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought holds the annual Islamic Unity Conference at the week concurrent with the birth anniversary of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and Muslim scholars, thinkers as well as religious and political figures from across the globe discuss the latest issues in the world of Islam at the different sections of the meeting.